Time to Take Action

Archive 209 - October 2019
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 Matthew 36-39: “ 'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?'  Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.' "

* Klamath River Compact Commission boosts visibility, H&N 10/29/19.
* Susan Miller, Environmental Advisor for Siskiyou County Water Users Assoc, responds to Klamath Compact Commission meeting: "...information being presented should reflect all sides or viewpoints on a particular issue, rather than strictly being from the environmental agencies’ perspective only...We asked for equal time to present alternative scientific evidence and viewpoints and were refused...both environmental agencies represented by the two state commissioners are signatories of the Amended KHSA. Additionally, (Commission's Federal representative)Chrysten Lambert of Trout Unlimited...has glaring conflicts of interest..."
KBC NOTE: scroll to the bottom of our KRRC (Klamath dam removal group) leadership page regarding some of Lambert's conflicts of interest.

Greg Walden, Oregon's Only Congressional Republican, Won't Run For Reelection, OPB 10/29/19   

Suckers die in USFWS pilot project, H&N 10/24/19. "When U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service visited the pens on the lake last week to release them into the wild, 10 of the 1,000 endangered fish were found alive...The fish that remained from the group were plagued by open flesh wounds from Lamprey in addition to numerous parasites...The $242,710-pilot project steered by Childress and a group of biologists with Congressional funding is leading them to identify a need to release fish when they are bigger."
KBC NOTE: The proposed KBRA/
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement  mandated planting more fish-parasite Lamprey into Klamath Lake. Our community at large opposed this massive dam-removal/land&water acquisition agreement in spite of the closed-door negotiations with Tribes, government agencies and farm leaders.
In February 2004, dozens of scientists at Klamath Basin Science Workshop met in Klamath Falls to put their heads together regarding suckers and government proposals...lake level management.
Read Day 3 of the Science Workshop, Suckers and Hydrology 2/5/04: "...in Lake Euwana, sucker movement did not correspond with PH levels. A rise in PH had no effect. He said suckers passed in 233 to 1500 CFS. The minimum flow of 233CFS is sufficient for suckers. Most of the tagged fish died, and he said that the tagging could be killing them. Barbara Adams from USGS told about suckers with respect to water quality in UKL. They tagged 100, 36 died, and many of the rest got lost.
2002 Fires / Fish Kill: "Tamara Wood, USGS, studied water quality--the dissolved oxygen dynamics in UKL. She studied wind speed, temperature and oxygen. They found that in 2002 the oxygen into the lake was turned off by the weeks of heavy smoke from the forest fires. She was asked about lake levels effecting the suckers, 'I don't think the relationship is there.' "
2002 Fires / 2002 Fish Kill: "Tamara Wood, USGS, studied water quality--the dissolved oxygen dynamics in UKL. She studied wind speed, temperature and oxygen. They found that in 2002 the oxygen into the lake was turned off by the weeks of heavy smoke from the forest fires. She was asked about lake levels effecting the suckers, 'I don't think the relationship is there.' "
The Biscuit Fire was a massive wildfire in 2002
 that burned nearly 500,000 acres (780 sq mi; 2,000 km2) in the Rogue River–Siskiyou National Forest, in southern Oregon and northern California. The Biscuit Fire was the largest wildfire in the recorded history of Oregon .
Burned area: 500,000 acres (2,000 km2): 28,7...Date(s): July 12, 2002 –; December 31, 2002
2002 Fish Kill

February 2004 Workshop:
A.  Klamath Science Workshop planned by the DOI, February 3, 2004 KBC. Dr William Lewis Jr., University of Colorado, spoke regarding the NRC conclusions on suckers.
Water, sucker science argued at conference, H&N 2/4/04.
Searching for sound science, HN 2/5/04
             c.  Klamath Scientists Day 3, KBC  2/5/04
             d.  The final day of the scientists, KBC (jdk) 2/7/04

Senator Dennis Linthicum files for re-election, H&N 10/23/19.

Opinion: Klamath dam removal is not a partisan issue, H&N 10/23/19, by guest Jason Atkinson, "a former Oregon state legislator for 14 years, wrote and produced the film “A River Between Us” documenting the restoration of the Klamath River. He is a Rodel Fellow with the Aspen Institute, which receives financial support from George Soros’s Open Society Institute: https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/george-soros/
Soros financially supports many of the environmental groups and tribes that have litigated against the farmers’ and ranchers’ water rights, power rates, and those trying to save our Klamath hydro dams: 
Soros’s history is very enlightening, a must read: http://klamathbasincrisis.org/fundingthedemise/Soros/history.htm : gun control, marijuana legalization, Clintons and Obama....

Yurok Preliminary Injunction Motion filed 10/18/19

State Rep E. Werner Reschke files for re-election, H&N 10/18/19.

North Cascades Grizzly Bear Introduction Draft EIS Comments due October 24, Ag Daily 10/17/19. "The plan seeks to import up to 200 grizzly bears to the region, despite obvious local stakeholder concerns...The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed Ursus arctos, more commonly known as the “Grizzly” bear, as a ‘Species of Least Concern’, due in no small part to its population numbers of over 55,000 across North America."

Owl killings spur moral questions about human intervention, H&N 10/16/19. "The owl experiment is unusual because it involves killing one species of owl to save another owl species...After the owl was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1990...federal officials halted logging on millions of acres of old-growth forests on federal lands to protect the bird's habitat. But the birds' population continued to decline...the barred owl is the spotted owl's worst enemy"

Pacific Northwest tribes: Remove Columbia River dams, H&N 10/15/19.
Former international clay-core dam designer Stephen Koshy extensively studied the imminent catastrophic collapse of the Klamath River clay-core dams if they were to be removed, and also the Columbia River dams:
 Stephen Koshy Page: Clay-Core Dam Engineer Stephen Koshy's scientific reports, letters, and government correspondence regarding his prediction of the imminent catastrophic collapse if the Klamath Hydroelectric Dams are destroyed.

More than $350,000 awarded to benefit endangered Klamath sucker, H&N 10/9/19.
Phosphorus causing decline in Klamath sucker fish by David Hill, Merrill 7/25/19. "
The major element causing the problem is phosphorus, which comes from the leaching of phosphorus from the volcanic ash, "pumice" in Annie Creek and numerous other streams feeding into Klamath Lake, as was found from research done in the 1970s. Klamath Lake is a euphoric lake, meaning it is a self dying lake which was noted by the Fremont Expedition as "stinking water" in the 1800s, no cattle were present then."

      Millions of fish predators dispersed from Columbia River to Klamath Basin
                                Where have all the suckers gone?  

Lower Klamath Refuge construction an effort to save salmon (on the Columbia River). Habitat restoration aimed at dispersing (fish eating) Caspian Tern populations, H&N 2/14/18. "...According to Beckstrand, the Caspian tern population along the Columbia River has been responsible for around 15 million to 20 million salmon smolts being eaten annually. The cormorant population growing on East Sand Island is estimated to be responsible for an additional 11 million young salmon each year..."
FWS wildlife biologist/tour guide John Beckstrand feels solution is farmer buy-out, KBC News 5/22/04
* Caspian Tern Management to reduce Predation of Juvenile Salmonids in the Columbia River Estuary - Final EIS. Refers to Warner Suckers Ch 3 - 14. January 2005
* Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge - Floating Islands Enhance Salmonid Recovery by Creating Alternative Nesting Habitat for Caspian Terns,  US Army Corp of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and NOAA Fisheries plan succeeded, with OSU and USGS,  to bring fish predators to Klamath Basin. Floating Island International 2010, posted to KBC 6/13/13. "In February 2010, FIW and Just Buckets built and launched a 40,000sq. ft. floating island at Sheepy Lake in Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge." (The fish-predator Caspian Terns population in 2010 went from 0 to 325 in 3 months on Lower Klamath.) "This innovative island has been a tremendous success, as the Sheepy Lake tern colony appears to have had the highest nesting success of any Caspian tern colony in the region during 2010."
* Restoring refuges - Wildlife refuges benefit from stimulus funds, H&N, posted 10/16/09.
RELATED ARTICLE: Stimulus funds bring Caspian tern project to Siskiyou County, Siskyou Daily News 8/12/09. "...the Tulelake reserve rock island’s cost is approximately $1.1 million, the Orems unit rock island’s cost is approximately $650,000 and the Sheepy Lake floating island’s cost is approximately $2.3 million...an estimated colony of 10,000 nesting pairs of Caspian terns on Rice Island in the Columbia River were consuming approximately 6 million to 25 million salmonid smolts per year, according to a 1999 USACE report."

Response by Siskiyou County Water Users to KRRC article in Siskiyou Daily News regarding Denial by California Water Resources for Clean Water Permit for Klamath Dam Removal 10/9/19. "...Water Quality Board which is the lead agency for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is stating that KRRC has not met the stringent requirements imposed to protect the environment.  The Water Board therefore cannot certify the project without proper protection...Besides this issue the KRRC which was gifted more than Twenty-five Million Dollars by the California Natural Resources Agency as part of an eventual total of taxpayer dollars exceeding $250,000,000 (Bond Funds) much of which appears to have been spent in a creative and complex public relations effort, is a long ways from getting Federal Energy Resources Commission (FERC) approval.  An additional $200,000,000 will come from PacifiCorp ratepayers.  This shouldn’t be surprising as until 2016 the KRRC didn’t exist except as an idea hatched in a law firm in New York City..."


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