July 13, 2009
Senate Deals North State Harsh Economic Hand
Passage of SB 670 Means Bankrupt
Businesses & Lost Jobs
Aanestad (R-Grass Valley) is extremely disappointed
by actions taken by the State Senate today which could result in
closed businesses and lost jobs in the 4th Senate
District. The North State leader says the passage of
SB 670 will place an outright ban on the practice of Suction
Dredge Mining in all California rivers, streams and other
tributaries, even though there is no scientific evidence or
proof that the mining practice is harmful to the environment.
“Make no mistake about it,” said Senator Aanestad. “This bill
has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with
politics. This bill will cause economic hardship to the rural
communities and the small business owners who depend on this
industry as a source of income.”
There are over 325 small retail businesses in CA involved in
small scale gold dredging, and many of these business owners
have already informed Senator Aanestad that SB 670 will put them
out of business. The ban will also have a big impact on the
California-based manufacturers of gold dredges.
Senator Aanestad says small scale gold dredgers spend an
estimated $60 million in CA’s rural economies in
terms fuel, food, camping, diving equipment, hardware, and
lodging purchases. He urged the State Senate to let scientific
studies on suction dredge mining speak for themselves, rather
than take a rash course of action that will cost jobs.
“The California Department of Fish & Game is currently studying
the environmental impacts of this industry,” said Senator
Aanestad. “That report is due this fall. Why don’t we let this
study conclude, let Fish and Game make its recommendations, and
then act on those proposals? That’s how the State Legislature
should work.”
SB 670 passed off the Senate Floor with 28 votes, which
means the ban on Suction Dredge Mining could take effect
immediately if it is signed into law.
RADIO & TV STATIONS: .mp3 file format sound from
Senator Aanestad recorded during today’s debate is attached to
this release.
Jim (Alaska)
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